Archive for the ‘meta’ Category


Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Keach sent me a link to a My Little Pony maker today, and then proceeded to make a color-blocked pony of me.

I edited a couple things, and it took us a while to find a mane-style that sort of works. Keach’s original pony had a mullet …

It’s kind of like design, right?

Changing It Up

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

OK, so I think that this blog thing isn’t quite working for me. Or rather, this style of blogging. So far, I’ve been trying to write posts mostly about fashion and similar to blogs that I really like in the past. But it’s been sort of an uphill fight with my Impostor Syndrome issues and the fact that I’m just plain lazy.

So! Instead of trying to do structured blog posts with daily outfits and insightful comments about fashion, I’m going to try something new. Every time I would post a link to zephyr or Google+ or something similar, I’m going to instead put it on my blog. It may or may not have commentary, and it will more likely than not be about fashion or design, because I’m still really interested in those. I will still try to put up pictures of outfits that I’m wearing that I think are notable in some way. I may start taking random pictures of people on the street (assuming it doesn’t get me punched out or something). Anyway, to start out with, I would like to share a quote from a random blog post that the Keachinator shared with me:


Nora was in her usual post-shower goofy mood. Something about getting wet makes her a nutcase. Maybe we should think about switching shampoos.

Nora: Look at this string! It’s from my sock.

Me: Okay.

Nora: It’s like a memory. A memory of my sock!

Me: Mmmm.

Nora: And if I hold it like this [holds string horizontally] it’s like past and future. Okay, listen. Say today is to your left, okay? And to your right, is [spooky voice] 100 MILLION YEARS AGO. Everything’s fine, though. But watch! [Tilts string diagonally to the right] OH NO! THE ECONOMY OF THE WORLD IS RUINED!

Me: [speechless]

Nora: [mostly to herself, more spooky voice] Which way should I tilt it? WHICH…WAY…? The Earth is spinning around and [tilt] OH NO NOT AGAIN! NO MORE ECONOMY! [pause] Anyway. Say goodbye to the memory string! [goes to throw it in the garbage]

Me: [more boggling, more speechlessness]

Seriously, what the hell was that? With the time travel and the string and the economic collapse? Should I get Madeleine L’Engle and Alan Greenspan on the line?


Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

OK, I obviously (and unsurprisingly, for those who know me) did not really manage this blogging thing last time. This time, however, I am no longer in college and have more free time. So I’m going to try again. I’m going to try to be more general this time – last time, R.U.R. ate basically all my time, and I didn’t really make anything. This time, I’ll post pictures of clothes I like that I’ve found online, and photos of stuff that I’m wearing. And possibly any other random thing that comes to mind.

Things a Day (Week?)

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

At some point during the last term, keach mentioned that during this IAP she wanted to write one piece of music a day. This somehow became a Thing a Day project that we decided to try out. I wanted to do costumes though, which (I think) take a bit more time than writing music, and so I decided to morph it into Thing a Week (But Sometimes a Day). nelhage then decided to do this Iron Blogger thing, so I’ve added another Thing to do each week. I’ve decided to combine them, naturally, and am going to blog each week about what my costume project for that week is. If I’m doing small things (jewelry, gloves, etc.) I’m planning on attempting a Thing each Day of the given Week.

Given my penchant for large projects,  I don’t actually expect to manage a Thing a Week, let alone a Day, but it never hurts to try.

(Note: I apologize for the uncapitalized usernames. Even though they’re kind of like proper nouns, I think they look really weird capitalized, so for the sake of my OCD, I’ve left them like that.)