Things a Day (Week?)

At some point during the last term, keach mentioned that during this IAP she wanted to write one piece of music a day. This somehow became a Thing a Day project that we decided to try out. I wanted to do costumes though, which (I think) take a bit more time than writing music, and so I decided to morph it into Thing a Week (But Sometimes a Day). nelhage then decided to do this Iron Blogger thing, so I’ve added another Thing to do each week. I’ve decided to combine them, naturally, and am going to blog each week about what my costume project for that week is. If I’m doing small things (jewelry, gloves, etc.) I’m planning on attempting a Thing each Day of the given Week.

Given my penchant for large projects,  I don’t actually expect to manage a Thing a Week, let alone a Day, but it never hurts to try.

(Note: I apologize for the uncapitalized usernames. Even though they’re kind of like proper nouns, I think they look really weird capitalized, so for the sake of my OCD, I’ve left them like that.)

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