Archive for the ‘fashion’ Category

OMG Shoes

Friday, June 24th, 2011

So a few weeks ago, I started reading the R-A-W Shoes Blog, which is, obviously, all about shoes. This blog has taught me two things: (1) I know nothing about shoes and (2) I do not have enough of them (I’m sure my former housemates are all shaking their heads furiously right now, but it’s true). So I’d like to share a few of my favorites from this blog and elsewhere with you.

This amazing shoe is from Sergio Rossi’s Fall 2011 collection, which I found on the aforementioned blog. I love the black and white spots, even though it reminds me a bit of dogs and clowns. The curling edge is very whimsical and also sort of clown-like, but for some reason, it’s not sending me running in John Wayne Gacy inspired fear (er, if you don’t know who that is, I recommend not looking him up). Instead, it seems very cheerful and playful to me, and I could see it going well with certain things in my closet.

Speaking of whimsical, I thought the bananas were a bit much in Prada’s Spring/Summer collection this year, but I love these shoes:

They’re very Alice in Wonderland-ish to me, for some reason. I especially love the checkered heel. It kind of makes me want to go drink tea and pet cats (although I always want to pet cats, so maybe the shoes have nothing to do with it).

Again from the shoe blog mentioned above are these amazing shoes from Aoi Kotsuhiroi:

I actually love the leggings the model is wearing more than the shoes, but they’re both incredible. They appeal to the punk/goth/whatever-you-want-to-call-it side of me. Knowing me, though, I’d probably accidentally stab a hole through someone’s foot with them.

The footnote to all of this is that I’m clumsy enough that’d I’d probably break my neck along with random luckless passerby if I ever tried to wear any of these shoes. Since I’m unlikely to purchase any of them any time soon (I found the third pair of shoes online for £2,130.00) though, that’s not really a serious concern. I’m not really sure how I got from hating shoe shopping to where we are now, but so it goes (bam! Vonnegut reference!).


Monday, June 20th, 2011

While at work today, I literally stumbled upon (yep, shameless plug. If you didn’t already know, guess where I work?) the Alexander McQueen website, and now I’m dooooomed.

The website is written in some sort of terrible Microsoft .NET crap, but it’s full of pretty, very expensive things. In particular, I really like this look from their Pre-Autumn/Winter 11 collection:

It sort of makes me wish I was tall and skinny, but it more makes me wish I had $2k to blow on random gorgeous things whenever I want to. Some day!